Gemstone Technology Park Updates

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the project?

Gemstone Technology Park is a data center site developed by Diode Ventures, a US-based, employee-owned company. The potential project is on 620 acres in southeast Kuna.

What can neighbors expect during construction and long-term?

The project still is in its early stages, but the goal is to be as minimally disruptive to our neighbors and the people of Kuna as possible. Development will be phased to provide sustainable growth based on minimizing disruption to the area and the availability of the construction workforce. We also will use setbacks, berms and natural landscaping to create a physical barrier, minimizing the project’s visual impact on the surrounding area while ensuring privacy and security for the data center client and residents.

Diode is committed to the communities where we have a presence. We are dedicated to fostering local prosperity through collaboration and engagement with residents, local officials, agencies and nonprofits.

Why Kuna?

Diode has a successful track record of developing data centers across the United States because we strive to form strong relationships with local entities and residents. Like many of the Kuna residents we speak with, we deeply respect the natural environment and also thriving, economically viable communities. Functionally, the area has robust access to utilities, quick access to transportation networks, a skilled workforce and a business-friendly commercial ecosystem.

What are the benefits to Kuna?

A: Gemstone Technology Park can bring numerous benefits to Kuna and the entire Treasure Valley:

Jobs: Once construction begins, we expect the project to bring approximately 800 to 1,200 construction jobs to the community during the peak building process, as well as more than 100 high-paying, permanent jobs to operate the data center. This does not account for indirect and induced economic contributions from those construction and operation jobs, which often are substantial.

Infrastructure: Projects such as Gemstone Technology Park can improve grid reliability, given the required grid upgrades as data centers rely on their electrical utility provider to minimize downtime.

Retain Local Character: As opposed to alternative development options for the land, a data center has low job density, allowing communities to maintain an intimate feel without straining resources. This means substantially fewer civic resources such as schools, fire protection and police are required compared to the demands of residential and other commercial developments.

Revenue: Gemstone Technology Park, which would require more than $1 billion in private investment, would provide substantial tax revenues to the city of Kuna, Ada County and the state of Idaho.  

How will the data center impact traffic?

Diode is working with a local traffic engineer to study traffic impact, including requirements and recommendations for safe conditions during construction and once the data center is operational. We also are working closely with the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) to minimize impacts on citizens who live and work near the project. Our goal is to create the safest and most efficient traffic patterns around our project for the people of Kuna.

How will you mitigate the light and noise from the facility?

Data center design and development have evolved greatly over the past several years, including advancements in noise and light mitigation. The design will incorporate directional exterior LED lighting that is dark sky compatible and can be adjusted for color and light level. Further, lighting will be on motion detectors and timers to minimize use. External lighting fixtures can be limited to 30’ in height and focused internally on the site.  

Though HVAC systems and generators at the facility may create some noise, there are proven methods to minimize their sound. Even though generators are rarely used outside of occasional testing and emergencies, the design will use custom enclosures that significantly reduce noise should the generators turn on. Additionally, sound barrier walls will be constructed, and noise-dampening materials will be incorporated into the structures to reduce noise that may be heard outside the facility.

How does the project impact water and wastewater?

The property has historical groundwater rights for irrigation that will undergo a nature-of-use transfer to industrial use. The diversion rate will remain the same as it is today, but the total volume of water used will decrease. For wastewater, we are working with the city of Kuna to create a solution suited for the project and community stakeholders.

How does this project fit into Kuna’s Comprehensive Plan?

The Kuna Comprehensive Plan is a collaborative, guiding document to address the city’s evolving needs. Diode is confident that Gemstone Technology Park fits the vision of the Comprehensive Plan in the following ways:  

“Economically Diverse and Vibrant”

  • Contributes to diversifying the local economy and providing long-term, well-paying jobs.

“Desirable, distinctive and well-designed community”

  • Respects Kuna’s small-town character and roots while supporting the city’s potential for a thriving economy.

Development Goals:

  • “Ensure land use in Kuna will support economic development.”
  • Attracts higher-paying jobs in the technology industry via supportive land use and zoning designations.
  • “Support development of a skilled, talented and trained workforce.”
  • Project will help enhance local workforce skills and provide quality job opportunities during buildout and operations.
  • “Attract and encourage new and existing businesses.”
  • Project will create a shovel-ready site that will attract significant private investment.

Land Use Goals

  • “Strategically locate and develop industrial areas.”
  • Addresses the lack of technological infrastructure to support growth.
  • Encourages local rapid investment and business growth.
  • Conforms to health, safety and environmental standards.

This website page will be regularly updated, but for more information, please use our Contact page or email

Diode Ventures®

11401 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66211
United States of America

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